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IT automation is the process of creating software and systems to replace repeatable processes and reduce manual intervention. It accelerates the delivery of IT infrastructure and applications by automating manual processes that previously required a human touch. ITnGen has decades of programming and coding experience to integrate any tool with another, centralize logs, trigger actions, audit actions, and ensure actions are consistent with the design of the automation workflow. We script in native languages eliminating the need to bring in 3rd party script management solutions and repositories.

Types of automation

Basic automation 

Basic automation takes simple, rudimentary tasks and automates them. This level of automation is about digitizing work by using tools to streamline and centralize routine tasks, such as using a shared messaging system instead of having information in disconnected silos. Business process management (BPM) and robotic process automation (RPA) are types of basic automation.

Process automation

Process automation manages business processes for uniformity and transparency. It is typically handled by dedicated software and business apps. Using process automation can increase productivity and efficiency within your business. It can also deliver new insights into business challenges and suggest solutions. Process mining and workflow automation are types of process automation.

Integration automation

Integration automation is where machines can mimic human tasks and repeat the actions once humans define the machine rules. One example is the “digital worker.” In recent years, people have defined digital workers as software robots that are trained to work with humans to perform specific tasks. They have a specific set of skills, and they can be “hired” to work on teams.

Artificial intelligence (AI) automation

The most complex level of automation is artificial intelligence (AI) automation. The addition of AI means that machines can “learn” and make decisions based on past situations they have encountered and analyzed. For example, in customer service, virtual assistants powered can reduce costs while empowering both customers and human agents, creating an optimal customer service experience.